How to Lead your startup into the future

Carnellia Ajasin
3 min readNov 9, 2020

When people praise the success of companies, their market strategies and quarterly performance managers get mentioned all the time and usually get all the credit. But no one talks about what good management looks like in times of uncertainty.

The ability to navigate ambiguity and to guide people and organizations without knowing what’s ahead is one of the key leadership qualities of our time. As the world adapts to the new normal in times of a global pandemic, technological change is drastic and rapid. The way we work, study, connect,
communicate, share and have fun is changing and companies have to adapt if they don’t want to fall behind.

As important it is to be flexible, there is one more quality that stands out today and that is creativity. But creativity can help. According to the World Economic Forum, creativity is among the top three skills needed to thrive in 2020. Now, it is more important than ever for leaders to adopt an open mindset and work from many perspectives, sustains optimism, and persevere through ambiguity.

This approach is known as creative leadership and is quickly gaining traction as an effective approach in today’s turbulent times. Creative leadership takes conditions that are anxiety-provoking for many, and turns them into opportunities. In the field of design and development, where frequent change is inherent, it’s not unusual to find leaders who fit the bill.

So how do you become a creative leader and leverage ambiguity and drive progress? There are three key tactics that creative leaders employ: building diverse, multidisciplinary teams to maximize perspectives; navigating ambiguity with bold ideas; and maintaining forward momentum by sharing
optimism, empathy and inspiration.

Building a diverse, cross-functional team allows you to pool knowledge and ideas. When you focus on fostering design and innovation among your team, it is easier to articulate an optimistic purpose and set constructive conditions under which they could start making a difference.

Once you have assembled the right people to converge on decisions at critical moments, you can then move on to share lessons and stories of progress as a way to continually motivate people across the system.

Finally, after bringing the team together, it’s important to stay on track and maintain morale and optimism. Creatively leading the way forward is the new way to elevate output and produce better results.

Mind Katalyst works with clients to help define, build and grow meaningful and transformative software and hardware across emerging technology platforms including Augmented Reality, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning and IoT. For more on how Mind Katalyst can help you scale your technology products, contact us for more details.

Carnellia Ajasin CEO of Mind Katalyst, is passionate about inventing new technology products in the emerging technology space that are meaningful and relevant. She works with ambitious organizations and businesses on the strategic application of innovation, creativity and emerging technologies to create competitive advantage, transformative impact and growth in business and society.

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Carnellia Ajasin

Carnellia Ajasin is the CEO of Mind Katalyst, technology and innovation design firm.